Becoming a delegate in Utah


As I have become more politically active I learned that there was going to be some training on how to be a delegate in thus represent my neighborhood. When I went to the training I took notes. I thought this would be of interest to others. I’m hoping the notes are clear enough for use in case you would like to become more locally and nationally active.

Why you may want to be a delegate.

Being a delegate gives you the ability to make a difference.

Follow instructions during the delegate training

Prepare in advance what you believe you could do as other’s representative.

We are each powerful as citizens

You can meet with other delegates. You can learn from them and make new friendships.

As a delegate you will have access to legislators. Since you have the power to vote them in or out, they want to help you in a good way.

At the meetings you can vote on issues


Requirements to be a delegate:

a. You need to be a registered for your political party to be a delegate.

b. Need to be a resident of the county you represent.

c. Be willing to receive all communications from your party’s leadership and candidates.

d. You are responsible to educate yourself on the issues and the candidates

e. Go to as many meetings as you’re invited to. This will enable you to be more informed and to meet people and to network.

f. At the conventions you can vote on any potential upcoming issues.

g. Attend stake organizing meetings. Be a leader.

h. On off years you go to county organizations committee meetings.


Process to be a delegate:

You need to campaign in your district in advance.

Candidates will be working on training and getting their own delegates elected.

Be ready to run a ‘the race of your lifetime’.

Know your stand on issues and how to present them within a two minute presentation as you give your speech to convince citizens to vote for you over someone else.

Important dates: Find out the date in your state for voting of delegates. There are the county and state delegates.

Any candidate who gets 60% of vote will automatically be the Republican nominee.

Leadership and fellow candidates will be happy to help you on how things go so you can learn more easily.


Know your precinct.

Get a map of the precinct. Some borders are changing in the high growth areas of the state.

Get a list of the current officers and fellow delegates.

Get list of past attendees of last caucus. This attendance can be obtained from precinct chair or county party.

Get list of registered votes in your district from county elections.

Get list of candidates and learn of their stand on issues.


Have a plan

Contact voters and ask them to vote for you

Use your list and ask them to come to the caucus and vote for you.

Work with other people who also want to be elected. You might want to decide in advance between the two of you who wants what office.

Combine your efforts with likeminded people.


Raise your profile in your precinct.

A. Deliver flyers on republican issues or reminders of caucus meetings.

B. Register voters some may want to do absence votes.

C. Ask them what they want to vote for on issues.

D. Hold cottage meetings such as on a debate night etc.

E. Hold a candidate debate party.

You need to know the duties of the office you are elected for. Don’t miss meetings.

You need to know the issues and the candidates.

Give citizens a good reason to want to vote for you.

Have someone nominate you. It looks better.

Send flyers the night before the caucus meeting to get people to come and vote for you.

Stay to the very end of the voting meetings. One year one candidate won by 1 vote.


Other info:

Districts are created by active voters.

An active voter is a voter who has voted in one of the last two elections or of the last 8 years.

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