A lot is information comes from a variety of sources. One in particular is Facebook entries. I find myself to be very over trusting person and recently learned that some people will intentionally alter a quote of individual and posted it on Facebook as if it is an actual quote. That is why today’s theme is on knowledge with substance.
Hope today’s lesson can be of use to youth ministries, family devotionals and family home evenings.
Object lesson: rice crispy versus raisin bran cereal.
Gathering information can be compared to a piece of rice crispy cereal in the raisin of the raisin bran cereal. These can be compared to sources of knowledge. If we were to use a spoon and crushed the rice crispy, it would crumble easily to small dust. If you press the same spoon against a raisin, you might get a flatter, but the mass of the raisin prevents it from being shattered.
This can be compared to the sources of our knowledge. We need to be cautious of believing anything and everything we see or read. As media outlets follow a political agenda as well as educators and other people that wish to influence others, we all should be wary of autonomous tell us. The recommendations I have are to seek the original source of information and to study history. History often repeats itself.
As a class or family, you might want to discuss what you find to be good choices of knowledge. In regards to religious slant for me it would be answer to prayers, Scriptures and the Council of men and women who strive to follow God.
If you have a recommendation of what to add to this lesson, please feel free to share it in the comment section this blog. Thanks.