Today’s theme is on repentance. I hope the following idea can be of use to youth ministries, Sunday schools, family devotionals and family home evenings.
We are all constantly working on improving ourselves. Sometimes it can be discouraging when we try to fix an old habit or to stop an old sin. Often we keep making the same mistake and sometimes we may wonder if we can ever overcome addiction or overcome a sin..
Here is a thought that may give us encouragement. The atonement of Christ is the shampoo of our lives. When our hair gets dirty, we shampoo it to clean it. Often we will repeat the process of shampoo and then rinse again. We get clean hair.
So it can be with sin.
We repent as often as we need to and when we are sincere Christ helps us along the way. That way we achieve a good cleaning and often with time and effort we can see success in overcoming our challenges. Christ atonement helps us.
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