At church today I heard a delightful object lesson on compassion, so I thought that would be the topic of today’s blog. I hope this can be of use to youth ministries, family counselors, family devotionals and family home evenings.
Lesson: get access to a knitted sweater, a ball of yarn and two knitting needles. May on the internet look up how to knit and then show your class or family the how to knit. Or maybe just watch it so that you can see how knitting is done. If you ant you could use two chopstick as examples of knitting needles. Here is one how to knitting site ( Help a class member or family member start to knit with the two needles.
Compare how the two needles are necessary to knit, one requires the other. This can be compared to our service to someone else. One needle could represent our Savior and the other each of us. We work in union with the savior following his recommendations to help others. We act in partnership with Christ to serve others. Take a needle away and we’re not able to knit.
The two needles combined make a great working partnership in helping others each of us and Christ.
If you have other ideas on how to address this topic, please feel free to share in the comment section of this blog.