Last fall I attended a financial seminar and learned about how buying domain names can be a source of income. Here are some of the notes I took. I hope they can be of use.
- Pertrotta: Is a company that provides domain information.
- Domains is a variant of buying investment grade real estate
- if you do a search on Google for bedroom and furniture. You’ll get 123 hits a month. That would be a good domain to buy.
- CPC: means cost per click.
- PPC: price per click.
- Only .02% of all tradable domains are being managed by anyone.
- Chapter 7 bankruptcy information can be appraised for 10K. Option for 50 you get 15 (I have no idea what I met here)
- Google’s pays for hits with phrases
- domains can be a portfolio of tradable and rentable domain assets
- Three pillars to make a successful business person.
- Right attitude.
- Taking time in a decision, 24 hours is a great equalizer.
Have something to add to the list, please do so in the comment section of this blog.