Today is a very simple lesson. I love seedless grapes and I also like puns. So when I was eating a bunch of grapes during one of my walks, I thought about the various blessings I have. Then came the pun that I am grape-full for my blessings. Why not make an object lesson of it?
I hope this topic can be of use to youth ministries, family devotionals, family counselors and family home evening groups.
Purchase a generous batch of grapes. Differ flavors, colors and perhaps seedless for this game.
Everyone sit around the table and take turns picking a grape and then mentioning a blessing you have such as health, the love of sports, your home, a good friend, the gospel of Christ, a certain author, the enjoyable talks with a parent or sibling. You can choose all types of things. Pick a grape as you mention a blessing and then the turn goes to the next person.
Once a particular blessing has been mentioned (make a list) that blessing cannot be used a second time unless it is distinct from a previous blessing. This might also provide an opportunity to discuss how various blessings have come into your life. Heavenly father may be a key source but you can also discuss saving money for something, working hard, being smart in certain decisions etc.
Keep the list and post it up on a fridge or wall for easy reference and reminders.
If you have any input of this lesson, please share it in the comment section of this blog. Thanks.