I want to share some of my observations of how the cohesiveness of a group can add success to all members of that group. The three I am specifically thinking about Are Timp tellers, storytelling; Achoo, writing; and main streamer. Toastmasters.
I really enjoyed the Toastmasters meeting tonight. We have a great group of people. And it’s exciting that the new officers are cheering so must the success of the organization.
Two weeks ago I attended a storytelling retreat for Timp Tellers. I was impressed with how the leadership of that organization got input from the group on how we can improve. There was also a discussion about the future direction of the organization. I have liked the positive atmosphere that has been developed because the officers have work so hard to develop.
For Achoo I have also enjoyed the friendship and associations in the writing group. This group helps me learn my strengths in writing and also help me discover the areas of writing were I can improve. The same can be said for, mainstream and Timp tellers.
The other virtue about these organizations is just the opportunity to associate with people that have shared ambitions. The atmosphere of support in all three organizations show that whatever we can do to be of help to another. We will try to help.
It is also amazing that when people with responsibilities to their tasks seriously and passionately. That passion can be felt by attendees of the organization. Then there that are members of the organizations to simply help just to help. It makes the work of the organization, so much lighter with everyone involved.
Today is just a short blog commenting on my compliments to how people can add such a positive contribution to various organizations. Even the silent members can create positive support.
If you have an example of an organization that you feel is doing a lot of things right, go ahead and make mention of them in the comment section this blog. Thanks