Commercial real estate advice:


Last fall I attend a financial seminar. Here are some of my notes. I hope they can be of use.

–          Start where you’re comfortable.

–          Maybe invest in the type of buildings that interest you, such as may be the type a charity that you like or cause.

–          Mai: is a commercial appraisal to determine the worth of property. Use a range between 60 to 100 pages at cost about $2000.

–          Commercial is usually held in the long-term and people usually sell it when they want to retire.

–          The money you pay for property comes from the income of the property.

–          Balloon: at the end of the time you have to pay, you need to pay a lump sum.

–          Consignment: you have the second party to sell something, and pay owner a set price and the rest of income to the second owner (I have no idea what this is saying)

–          Addendum: let you change previous agreements.

–          To learn about how real estate is faring in the state you would look up such things as the California trust deed investment.

– is a quarterly report that gives a state of the real estate market for different areas around the country. This is where you can find information about housing index.

Do you have advice to add to the list, please share in the comment section of this blog?

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