Here are my notes of the speech from Sen Ted Cruz when he spoke at the rally of the Republican Utah conference. I tried to be as accurate as I could and hope I haven’t misrepresented the speaker in any way.
– A spirit of fear and timidity permeates Washington.
– You are here because you love your kids and grandkids and you love America.
– A mother with six children came up to me. Said she, her husband left her and she now is working five jobs to get food and clothes for her children. People can’t have full time jobs because Obama care is required for employees who work more than 30 hours.
– The IRS/government is asking Americans what they say in their prayers. They have no business asking what we say in our prayers.
– Pres. Obama is the most unlawful president in history. He ignores the laws that he doesn’t agree with.
– He has these recommendations: 1. Stand up for liberty. 2. Stand up for growth and opportunity.
– The last five years, we’ve become stagnant.
– The big divide is not between political parties. It is between career politicians of both parties and the people