Whenever I hear the phrase, a sharp tongue, I think of someone that can use their words in an accusatory or belittling manner. But a sharp tongue can also be used to encourage someone. One can use their intelligence and means of expression to enlighten someone or to inspire someone else to greatness. I hope the following object lessons can be of use to youth ministries, family devotionals, counselors, and home evening groups.
Objects for lesson: one apple, a sharp knife, and a cutting board.
Cut the apple in half and place both sides face down on the cutting board for one half of the apple, slice it is nice even rows suitable for serving to other members of the class or family. For the other half poke the apple with the tip of the knife to wound and damage the flesh, making the apple undesirable for consumption.
A tongue can be used for good or bad. Just as we can determine how a knife can be used, so we can determine how our mouth or tongues can be used. The sharpness of our words can be used to belittle someone, cut them down and promote hate. My encouragement is that we used our verbal skills to promote, educate and enlighten. I’d knowledge that many times these lessons. I share first two purposes. One is for me think of a new way to use an object teach a lesson and two these topics can be used to remind me of ways of how I can improve myself. Sometimes we may think of a topic that we see as one of the weaknesses and thinking of a lesson on it can have our mind linger upon the thought to then improve upon it.
If you have things at this concept, please feel free to share in the comment section of this blog.