This weekend, I start two excellent examples of lessons being taught to children. The first lesson was talking about relationship between baptism and taking the sacrament. The second lesson was about the Holy Ghost. These were great teachers that I saw sharing important messages specifically geared to children, but also sharing important message with the adults. I would like to share what they taught in this blog, so we can all learn from their great examples.
Objects for lesson:
1 cup of water.
½ cup white vinegar
combined into a glass jar with the lid.
Have food coloring and
¼ cup of bleach.
The teacher, the wife of my nephew is an excellent teacher and she gave the following illustration to teach principle of baptism and sacrament.
She told about a little girl who got baptized, and at one point of her life was completely cleaned from season. But the following week, she had a fight with a sibling and made a mistake. This teacher then dropped a drop of food coloring into the jar of vinegar/water. the teacher then talked about the little girl making the second mistake later in the week. The teacher added a second drop of food coloring into the water. She talked about how we might commit sin after we have been baptized. He then discussed how sacrament can help us repent all over again and our slate can be cleaned.
She then poured the 1/4 cup of bleach into the colored water and stirred it and we all watched the food coloring disappear. The previous combination of white vinegar and water combined with the bleach made the food coloring disappear. She compared this to the sacrament being taking every week where we commit to repentance and the slate becomes clean once more like unto baptism and we can strive to become better people each week. I thought she did a delightful job teaching this lesson and want to share this blog for wonderful example.
If you stand excellent example of how the relationship between baptism and sacrament has been taught, please feel free to share it in the comment section this blog.