– By screenwriting software such as final draft, you can be hired to make changes.
– Even scenes of action need to tell the story from the perspective of each participant.
– Best thing for script is white space.
– Be as concise as possible.
– Don’t describe what characters are wearing.
– Liven up the scenes don’t have a breakup at a restaurant have it on a skyscraper.
– Think visually to tell your story.
– Screenplays are not a finished work of art. The movie is the finished work of art.
– Scripts of the skeleton of the message.
– Grab your way to read scripts.
– Imsdb.com: is a good source of scripts read six versions of the same script to see the evolution
– If the comedy make sure it’s funny.
– Write multiple screenplays as you learn go back to earlier drafts and rewrite them study, William Goldman’s work.
– Read rate is the lost Ark
– Usually after rewriting the ending. You need to go back and rewrite the beginning.
– Check out. Save the cat book. Author? Blade shyder,
– Define characters, objectives in every scene of the script.
Want to add to the list. Please do so in the comment section of this blog.