For those that know me. I like taking notes when I attend lectures. Over year ago I attended a series of lectures talking about American history and politics. I took notes, but never transcribe them to the PC. I’m typing them up now. I don’t remember all the details of the lecture. I am hoping some of this information can be interesting.
– Nick Miley: has a book by the name of their deal of change.
- Homegrown education was what America was built on. A mind is a fire to be kindled not a vessel to be filled.
- B. The underground education of Americans. History needs common sense.
– Sharon Anderson:
– A. if you step out of your comfort zone. The Lord will lead you along.
– B. Told about the miracle of Boston and the John Adams 10 years old experience of a day. Fast that preserve the city.
– Judith Williams:
– A. report said angels visited Washington, and he saw freed separate visions