Old knowledge revisited:



I hope the following ideas can be of use to youth ministries, family councils, family devotionals and home evenings.

I gained an entirely new perception on the Old Testament story of Abraham and sacrificing his son Isaac. A lot of times when I heard the story, I thought about the faith of Abraham, trusting God when he was commanded to sacrifice his son. But, this last Sunday at church, I gained an entirely new perspective from a comment made by someone. She mentioned that Abraham sacrificing Isaac also gave Abraham the perspective of how the God the father must have felt when he sacrificed his son Jesus Christ, on the cross to atone for the sins of mankind.

How many times have I heard the story of Abraham and Isaac, and this is the first time after decades that I have a whole entirely new twist on the story? We always hear the story about Abraham’s obedience and about Isaac submitting to his father’s knife, but now I have gained an entirely new perspective on an old story.. So my invitation is that one of the virtues of visiting the Scriptures over and over and over again is that even though we may read the same thing for decades. We can suddenly get an entirely new perspective on Scriptures. We might even gain insight on a point of doctrine.

My invitation is that we each continually seek out new perspectives on the old stories of the Scriptures and on gospel principles. I’m just glad that I was at Sunday school to have the opportunity to have my mind broadened.

The object lesson for this is having the kids put together a puzzle. Have them compare the piece by itself as a stand-alone object and have them try to identify what it is without the other pieces. Then combine that piece of all the others of the puzzle to see how all the individual units combine to make a bigger picture.

If you have an example where you have gained new insight on point of Scripture, please feel free to share it in the comment section this blog.

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