I thought I would present some great examples of the successful implementation humor that I got from a panel about comedy.
Distractions: during a movie scene can add humor. One example is in galaxy quest when the character Guy is choking on spaghetti during a serious discussion.
Exaggeration: Jerry Lewis being extremely clumsy.
Understatement: in the movie might have python and the Holy Grail when King Arthur is fighting the black night, the black night is severely wounded and responds “it’s only a flesh wound?”
Using opposites effectively: such as in the movie title, Buffy, the vampire slayer or Jerry Lewis’ funny being paired with a serious Dean Martin
Non-sequester: Johnny Depp in the movie Pirates of the Caribbean being seen as standing on the deck of a ship until the camera expands down and we see that he is holding on to the poll of a ship that has sunk underwater.
There are some great examples of humor? Please feel free to share them in the comment section this blog. Thanks.