I am endeavoring to see how I can become a more informed citizen on local and national issues. So today’s blog is starting to create a list of things I need to consider when studying political issues. My goal is to not be susceptible to flattering words of a politician because he or she says something I like, and later find out that they were not legit. I can see how it would be tempting to accept the shortcomings of a politician who represent me simply for the fact that they represent a political party, I favor.
- I need to study history more because I realize that history repeats itself. Often the sequence of events that lead to a significant point of history will follow a similar pattern in modern times and can end up in a similar result.
- I need to consider if a principle of politics coincides with principles of Christianity. Since I feel that God is all-knowing, he would be the best authority of right and wrong.
- I need to listen to both sides of an issue. As a conservative, I’m very pro-conservative. I used to listen to liberal radio called Air America while it was broadcasting, but it has since discontinue. I think one thing that may help me, is to seek sources that don’t have a political agenda.
- I find I really like hearing actual quotes from politicians on different issues. I like hearing their opinions in their own words. I was sad that the programming I listened to for Air America didn’t provide that.
- When I study an issue, I need to consider the long-term, as well as the short-term effects. That means I need to become more educated in business, science and humanity so I can have a better understanding of how different circumstances can affect each other.
- In recent years, I’ve learned that sources that I thought could be trustworthy are no longer trustworthy. I always thought the scientists were not biased; but, in recent years, I’ve learned that many can be bought. Some recent emails that have leaked from the climate change scientists have illustrated this. Another example is when I’ve learned how media has altered audio recordings of Trevon Martin case to alter the perceptions of the public.
- I need to become better adapt in studying ones past actions. If a new politician has acted in a manner that I think represents integrity, that may indicate that he or she may be a worthy candidate for me to support.
- I need to realize that power can corrupt. There have been multiple politicians who go to Washington or advance in their political career that start compromising themselves for the opportunity of influence or power. I have enough temptations of my own life, it’s just as well. I don’t try to go into politics.
- Media can be used as a propaganda tool. Say something over and over and over again until people can start believing a lie.
- Don’t become so slanted to Ward a political party that I don’t see the moat in my own eye. How many of us will excuse the scandals or lies of those of our own political party and at the same time throw mud at the opposite side for their scandals?
- I need to go to original sources. Some people feel that the founding of America was not created under Christian values. I remember attending historical lectures listening to speeches of founding fathers that indicated otherwise. But I need to make more of an effort to seek out original sources and not rely upon what classes can teach me.
- I need to make the effort to go beyond talk. How many decades. I complained and did nothing. Besides becoming informed and I find a person of integrity. If I do nothing can. They advanced to be a positive influence in the world. So that means I need to take a more active part. I have currently into promoting people of integrity to be leaders.
That’s just a few ideas I have of how I might become a better informed citizen.
What do you feel is important in becoming an informed citizen who is NOT susceptible to manipulation?