These are some notes I took from a CERT fireside a couple of months ago, which talked about spiritual preparation in case of emergency.
– CERT was created in Southern California by the LA fire department because of the frequency of earthquakes in the area. It provides basic training to citizens.
– Everyone can do something. Even people with physical limitations can either provide comfort for those of you hurt or can provide record-keeping to help keep things organized.
– DC 38:30. If you are prepared, you shall not fear
– Get trained to learn skills (can be used for barter)
– The closer we arrived the second coming of Christ, the harder it will become.
– After the tornadoes in the center of the country, some families met around the candles of their use supply kits and others around lamps.
– To help respond more efficiently to emergency needs, church members helped by responding to specific work orders to respond to who needed to be helped. What need to be done and what equipment is required.
– Preparedness works
The spiritual aspect of emergencies:
– Christ’s last preaching of his ministry is known as the LVH discourse where Christ raises disciples. He gives the parable of the 10 virgins
– DC: 45:34,35; D:C 38:30
– During the time of the three days of darkness in the Americas at the death of Christ, the two things of the people are most upset about was.
1. They wish they had repented
2. Wish they had listened to the prophets
– Somewhere on this website might be a chart that shows the growth of catastrophes within the last decade. I can’t find it. Maybe you can
– Check out:
If you have items you’d like to add to the list, please put them in comment section of this blog.