During the summer, I attend a Success 2013 two day workshop that presented several motivation speakers. I took notes. Here are some ideas by the following speakers: Steve Forbes, Adams Ginsburg and Adam Marlel
Steve Forbes: How to get ahead.
– If you do the same thing as everyone else. You are part of the crowd
– success can come from using old technology in a new way, or to use common things in a different way
– no taxes without respiration
Adams Ginsburg: making money on Internet
– 1. You need to know what to do.
– 2. No plan to get it done
– 3. Learn how to get it done.
– Success is the result of good judgment.
– Good judgment is a result of experience.
– Experience is a result of experience
Adam Marlel:
– Success without fulfillment is failure.
– When you’re not sharing your gift you are causing pain, either for yourself or others.
– Stop doing the same old thing. The definition of insanity is doing the same old thing and expecting different results.
– It is what is underground that makes what makes above ground.
– If you want money we need to concentrate upon the roots of what causes money.
– Each person has a thermostat or perception of how much money they can make.
– We are either growing or dying
This all sounds like good advice to me. Do you have advice, please feel free to share it in the comment section of this blog.