Technology, tools of the trade:


Last winter I attended a symposium called Life, The Universe and Everything. Here are the notes from one of the panels.

–        It takes 10 years to become overnight success.

–        Final draft is software used by scriptwriters. If you want to be seen as a professional scriptwriter or even be considered you must use final draft.

–        Dragon naturally speaking, writes what it hears. A good market to submit your material is on Bane 1632 Slush. People will comment on it, and if the editors like it. They were paying for.

–        The Internet is a wonderful tool for writers.

–        A writer needs to see how the publishing business works.

–        Technology is a funnel to collect people and to direct them to your site and to make cells.

–        Have a website. It needs to engage the reader’s to read books.

–        Have all links and media be the same name, so there’s no confusion. I.e. Facebook, website, etc.

–        We search with technologies would work for you. 40 to 60% of writing time is used on marketing.

–        QR code on business cards or bookmarks is a wonderful way to advertise.

–        vistaprints is a good site to buy bookmarks.

–        Beyond Google and type in your question, such as how do I market my work and you’ll get a budget websites dedicated to the question you’re asking. Another sources, E how.

–        If you start seeing repeats of information is the same information that helps validate that the information is correct. Coupon deals are a site where you might be able to get cells on business cards etc.

–        If you do e-books, you need to stand out from all the others that mean to advertise. And that means bookmarks.

–        If you have a plane name and get a more interesting unique name to be your pet name.

–        Some people will create a pen name that is like. Or maybe even identical to a big-name author so they can get people to read their books, especially when you have your covers look similar in design to the covers of the popular writer.

–        Create space is Amazon’s print on demand.

–        Website Nathan Shumate shows a lousy e-book covers.

–        One good way to market, is to create yourself as an expert in a certain area. You can do this by respondent websites and to volunteer to write an article. In your article you might mention your book, but only as it relates to the article, so it is an obvious you promote yourself. And you can often give a website at the end of the article. Sometimes you can also give your bio information.

–        Good reads is used to find good books or bookish is very similar.

–        A book bomb is when you ask a bunch of fans to buy your new book, all on the same day the same time of day. So that all those increases sales could spike the book up to be a bestseller and therefore get additional readers.

–        Save the is a site that discusses screenwriting outlines.

–        Dramatic the tool is an application that helps in organizing your writing.

–        Track changes is also very good for helping a writer.

If you have some advice on what tools are useful for writing, or story telling etc. Please feel free to share your knowledge and experience in the comment section of this blog.

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