At church this week we covered several topics including the importance of the marriage covenant. I heard a wonderful quote that could relate to singles being content with their single status.
Quote: The Lord can’t steer a parked car.
Many of us may have a specific goal in our life. We dream, we aspire and we set goals, but we often don’t follow through to create the conditions to make our dream a success. Such lack of effort can often be related to singles. Many singles may desire to be married, but we’re perfectly content to go to work and then come home and spend the whole evening at home. Little effort is made to be in social situations where we might meet a potential marriage partner. Sometimes I find myself falling into this category. Other times I can be quite sociable.
The quote that the Lord can’t steer a parked car, could mean that if I want to achieve a goal of a relationship, I need to put myself in social situations where I can meet a single male. If I want to meet someone with religious values, there is a good chance it would not be someone I meet in a bar. I would have a better chance in meeting someone in church related situation.
Just like singles need to be in the right place at the right time to achieve marital goals. So we all need to work toward our goals that we have define for ourselves. If we aspire to a certain occupation, we need to acquire the skills, education and experience that will make us a suitable applicant for that job.
I’m learning this more and more as I do a job search.
If you want to become a certain type of individual who lives a life of honor than we will be more successful if we associate with people with similar ambitions.
So, tonight’s blog is an invitation for us to determine a specific goal and to create tasks that can move us toward that objective.
If you are an individual who met your companion online or when you were older and you have suggestions on establishing a successful relationship, please feel free to share your observations in the comment section of this blog. Thank you.
It is important also, Melva, to know and like yourself so that you can live alone if you have to do so. Having recently lost my husband of forty-four years I have no interest whatsoever in being a couple. I have to find a way to continue on in a whole new world. I thought reading your blog might give me some insight. I think it did. I may have to socialize just to keep human.
You have many friends and loved ones who would like to do things with you so I am glad that you are thinking of doing activities. My Mother spent over 30 years without her husband. My father died when I was three. I think she valued having a confidant when she needed to talk about things that she couldn’t discuss with her children.
Another good friend of mine lost her husband of 20 years. She looks for ways to stay busy and has become more active in doing activities with her friends.
I’m wishing you well, bud. You and I can both put our cars in drive.