Getting recommendations from contacts in LinkedIn:


Tonight I received some good advice on how to build one’s credentials through LinkedIn. This can be useful for those who want to build their reputation throughout their career and promote other skill sets.

First, you can click on one of your contacts in LinkedIn. On their profile you have a button that says Send a Message.

  • Click on the drop down button and you will see an option of Recommend.
  • You can click on how you know your contact and that your recommend their services to other people. At the same time you can send a message to that person that gives specifics of why you liked what they had to offer.


It was recommended that you have several recommendations from the different businesses you’ve worked at.

Some other recommendations are:

1. If you don’t communicate with  certain contacts personally, don’t just suddenly come out of the blue and ask them for a recommendation. You will want to establish a relationships with them first.

2. When you’re asking for a recommendation from them you can go two ways.

a. you can reference a specific event where the two of you worked together and ask if he or she would be willing to give you a recommendation of how you achieved the task you both shared. You might event give some ideas of what was accomplished so that they don’t have to create something from scratch. This also helps you obtain specific content to the recommendation you’re asking for.

b. The alternative is to ask for a recommendation where they offer their own words of the event you reference.

Getting comments from others, in their words holds, more weight than what you say.

This would be good stuff to incorporate throughout your professional career as a professional in your field even if that includes writing and storytelling.

If you have some ideas on how to improve the use of LinkedIn, please feel free to share your ideas in the comment section of this blog.

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