Calling sin a pretty word does not make it right:


I hope today’s topic can be of use to youth ministries, family counselors, and family home evenings. It’s on the topic that saying sin is okay doesn’t make it so.

We’re living in a time of conflict. And when it comes to battles, I often think of the concept of strategy. Strategy is the techniques used to gain victory over your opponent and for today’s discussion; the conflict is between right or wrong sin and righteousness.

Who are we fighting with? Why the guy who is a sore loser in the war of heaven. First, I present the lyrics of the third verse for the song Onward Christian Soldiers.

Like a mighty army moves the church of God;
brothers, we are treading where the saints have trod.
We are not divided, all one body we,
one in hope and doctrine, one in charity.

As illustrated by this song. The bad guy is Satan and his minions. The good guys are God the father, his son Jesus Christ and their servants, we Christians.

The bad guys, Satan and his loonies don’t follow the rules. He has no problem with lying, cheating and stealing to accomplish his gains. But God has promised that the final victory will be his. Personally, I would like to be on the side that will provide a positive affect on my life for eternity. The book of revelations gives us a hint of some of the battles that will take place. Our Heavenly Father has already revealed to us some of the strategy that Satan will use.

God offers us solutions of how to combat against Satan’s purposes through his Scriptures, his prophets and personal revelation through the Holy Ghost.

One battle tool is fight against Saten’s Propaganda: through the progression of time he is found some success of making sin become acceptable simply by giving it a pretty label. Two examples the coming really to mind for me are:

  1. ProChoice for abortion
  2. Chosen lifestyle for same-sex marriage or sex outside of marriage.

Satan attacks the righteous through a series of waves like an ocean. The tide comes in and hit us and retreats. It comes in again, and again, and again. Satan’s minions use a technique of repetition and name-calling to make them appear to be in the right.

I thought this poem by Alexander Pope does a good job in presenting my thoughts on this.

“Vice is a monster of so frightful mien
As to be hated needs but to be seen;
Yet seen too oft, familiar with her face,
We first endure, then pity, then embrace.”

Object Lesson: Whittled away.

Supplies: one plate, a plastic cup filled tightly with flour, plus a squirt bottle filled with water.

Press the plastic cup filled with flour against the plate. Tap the bottom of the cup so that the flour comes out in one piece looking like a mold of the cup. Then, from a couple of feet have family members take turns squirting with mist on the mold of flour. One little squirt of missed doesn’t appear to do much damage. But as each person takes a turn squirting and squirting and squirting the integrity of the mold begins to be compromised. It may eventually crumble. Satan hopes to use this technique in trying to convince righteous people that sin is acceptable.

Satan will deliver his propaganda for years, decades, maybe even centuries, slowly working to corrupt righteous principles.

To combat the waves of propaganda, we need to create a barrier of righteous teachings and living. That wall needs to be constructed from the finest materials of a strong and united family, obedience to God’s commandments, and continually seeking God’s guidance. If there ever areas of weakness in a barrier, we are encouraged to address those weaknesses early so they don’t develop into becoming excessive challenges. God, family and community can all contribute to the success of maintaining our righteous living.

I invite us to recognize sin for what it is. It being given a pretty name does not make a difference. I encourage us to support organizations that want to maintain moral virtues. That includes for me, to be on constant virtual to improve my own life and maintain my own barriers to pursue a better life.

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3 Responses to Calling sin a pretty word does not make it right:

  1. Ceil DeYoung says:

    Right on my friend. So how do you know you are still on the right side? Satan is trying even harder.

    • admin says:

      You ask a very good question. Here are a couple of ideas. I try to consider as I struggle to make decisions on various things.
      One. By their fruits you shall know them. I say that we need to consider the results of our actions will help us determine what our motivations are.
      Two. In recent years, I have become more politically active. I would just let life go by at the national level and not pay attention. But events have transpired that cause me a great deal of concern. So sometimes my actions are influenced by just not my personal satisfaction, but of my concern for the health and prosperity of my nation. I’m also concerned of how the negative actions of others can influence the happiness of the general citizen. That means I am working on moving outside my comfort zone to stand up against potential tyranny.
      Three. I heard some wise counsel at church at some point, that emphasize the need to have the Holy Spirit monitor our hearts. Personally I think God is give me a 2 x 4 for me to catch his message. For others, such drastic action may not be required.
      Four. I’m learning that I cannot rely upon other people’s comments to make a judgment. Of recent years, I’ve seen too many examples of people intentionally lying to be able to achieve their own objectives. They had no qualms about lying. So something I’m working on is that when I want to learn something I try to go to the original source. I’m still stumbling around a bit in this effort. I find I moving away from old alliances because people I trusted a not doing what they said. So my invitation is for people not to blindly follow someone. Even the church. We are encouraged to gain own testimonies and not rely upon others.
      Five. I find it useful for me to try to analyze the motivations of others who want to influence me. Our people that want to influence me. Individuals of character. Do they live the lives that I want to emulate?
      I realize I’m not very eloquent when stating personal feelings such as this, but I hope it helps address the question. Thanks for the chance for me to remind myself of what I need to do to be a better informed individual not only politically but spiritually and intellectually.

    • admin says:

      By the way, thank you for taking the time on commenting on my website. It seems like that. I’m speaking in the void when I have so few comments on my site so. Thank you.