I hope today’s lesson will be of use to youth ministries, family devotionals, family counselors, and family home evenings. Today’s theme is used in the right tool for the right task.
Objects for lesson: aboard, several nails, a wrench, and a hammer.
Give a nail and a wrench to a family member or class member that is age-appropriate or has the skill level to nail a nail into the board without hurting themselves. Have them first to try to use the wrench. Have more than one family member try to do the same thing. Next have another family member or class member pound the nail into the board with the use of a hammer. Have the family discuss the pros and cons of using a wrench compared to a hammer.
This is a straightforward example of how the use of a hammer can better accomplish a task over a wrench. The nail is a better tool. It has been designed specifically to achieve the task you seek
There are many tasks in our lives that can be better achieved if we use the appropriate tools. If you want to enter into the realm of business, it is better to gain the knowledge of business on people of experience. This would include associating with the appropriate people that have the knowledge that you seek, as well as participating the activity that will give you the foundation of knowledge to pursue your career. You most likely will start gaining your business experience by doing small jobs or with other people. You pay attention to procedures and behaviors. You seek to understand why certain things are done in the way that they are.
If your passion is working with the land, and you are not familiar with farming or ranching, then it would be appropriate to seek out the knowledge of those who are experienced in those fields to gain the appropriate knowledge. It could also be wise to establish a relationship with a mentor who may be able to guide you with the appropriate knowledge to accomplish the tasks.
Just as these two career choices have a better chance of success by seeking out those who possess the knowledge that you seek. So grandparents can be wonderful source to give knowledge and experience to young parents. This is the time when may be doing a Google search is not the end all resolution. We would want to seek out others who have gained the experience and wisdom that you now want to obtain. You would also want to seek out the type of people that possess the same moral standards and ethics that you wish to establish in your own household. If you own grandparents are too far away or have passed on, another resource, for grandparent’s knowledge might be at church. You can also associate with older adults in your neighborhood.
An additional resource is the father of us all, our Heavenly Father. Prayers to God and listening to the Holy Spirit can help us gain, perceptions in fields of knowledge that are new to us. That, in combination with associating with people I respect has been a wonderful resource for me.
On a personal note: I had the opportunity to know each of my four grandparents. Each of them had unique base of knowledge that provided a great resource for my own foundation of knowledge and growing maturity. Though they have now passed on, I have found in the congregation of my own church, senior adults but also possess the wisdom and experience that I seek in various aspects of my life. My invitation, is to seek out seniors for the wisdom they possess. They are due our respect.
If you have additional ideas to share on this topic, please feel free to share them.