Seeking the one true expert:


I hope the following lesson can be of use to youth ministries, family devotionals, family counselors, and family home evenings. Today’s topic is the value of experts, in particular, the expert of God.

Let’s say, you need to lay down tile for a floor, but you have never done it before. Would you just wing it, by buying various tiles and glue that you think you might need, and employ the tools you think you will need and just slab it down?

Usually when someone wants to do a quality job on a task, he or she will usually search out the procedure before implementation. You might peruse magazines or brochures to find which tiles look attractive to the room you want to update. There is a good chance you will research out what the pros and cons are of various installation techniques and various tiles. You might watch how I didn’t be used on YouTube. Most likely, you’ll seek friends or peers who possess experienced knowledge of the same task you want to do. You may even hire a professional craftsman to do it on your behalf. The thing is that you value the end result; and, because of that you and ever to make informed and effective decisions. Many people will gain experience by doing smaller projects and as they accomplish skills and experience they will then move to bigger tasks.

The same principle can apply those of us who seek to follow God, our Heavenly Father. God has given us many instructions on how to live our lives through his Scriptures, Christ teachings, his prophets and may even influence our actions by prompting our hearts through his Holy Spirit. Just as I would not seek out the knowledge of a car salesman to teach me how to install tiles, so I may not want to rely upon the knowledge of man to teach me the principles of God.

It would be more beneficial for me to go to the expert, God himself, and his son Jesus Christ.

Just as we may practice doing small tasks before we feel empowered to do the bigger tasks so concentrating upon living God’s individual commandments can help us to gain the experience to live our lives more fully under God’s direction.

Objects of the lesson: paper, pencils, and several cups.

Have different members of the family or the class quickly draw free-form circles on pieces of paper. Let them make several circles and discuss how the circles may improve with practice. Next, place the mouth of a cup face down on the paper and have each student or family member draw their pencil around the circumference of the cup to make a perfect circle.

Following the path of the exterior of a cup enables your family members to draw a perfect circle. So going to God himself and his avenues of communication can inform us how to better follow him.

If you have some ideas on what to contribute to this message, please feel free to share it in the comment section of this blog. Thank you.

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