What is an Agent and what can they do for you:


These are notes from a panel I listened to a year or so ago. I took notes while attending a wonderful SF/F symposium called Life The Universe and Everything. The panels are very educational. The panelists were: : James Dashner, Lesli Muir Lytle, Tyler Whitesides)

– If agents can show that they have sold to NY publishers than they are most likely legit.
– Every agent is unique in personality and working relationship.
– You need to determine what is important to you from your agent and look for those qualities as you look for your agent. One good way to see if they meet those qualities is to check out their web site, what they say on their blog, references or referrals from other professionals etc.
– Your agent doesn’t make a dime until you do. You both have the same objective for you to be a successful author.
– An agent is key when an author makes money from world wide distributions sources and move rights.
– When doing a query, check and rigidly follow the guidelines furnished by the agent or agency.
– When you submit a manuscript make it the very best you can make it including being polished.
– Most publishers in NY will only accept agented material.
– Start submitting to the biggest and most desirable agent you want first and then go down the list from there.
– Check out the book Guide to literary agents.
– You can track your queries with QueryTracker.net and find out excellent information about agents.
– Your success of finding an agent/editor improves considerable by the one on one contacts established at conferences who have agents/guests in attendance.
– Agents are aware that writers will submit their manuscripts simultaneously, just notify the agents when you do so.

If you have an agent, or done research on obtaining an agent and feel like you have some knowledge to share, please feel free to do so. Thanks

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