Does your book have a sound track?


Several years ago I took notes while attend a wonderful SF/F symposium called Life The Universe and Everything. The panels are very educational. Hope you enjoy the notes. The panelists are: Jaleta Clegg, Bree Despain, Sheila A Nielson and Berin Stephens.

– Music is important when creating a book trailer. See what music can promote different scenes or characters of your book.
– For brainstorming – Find out what music might match a character in your b ook
– = web site that lets you select a song and it will match you with other songs that sound similar or that you might like.
– = lets you play music on your blog so that others can listen to it, but it maintains copy right because visitors to your web site can’t download it.
– Imeam and groveshark are also music web sites to check out.
– Sometimes music can pick up your mood or reenergize you to start writing. Create a collection of songs that can be used to encourage you.
– Compile a series of songs for different characters. This has been useful when writing on a book that is then sent to an editor. As the writer gets a rewrite request months later that collection of music can reconnect you to those characters again as you return back to the book you haven’t visited for a while.
– Some writers create a cast of actors to match with their characters to give them more of an identity.
– Music from games is a good source of music
– There is a web site that has all the music themes to TV shows. Maybe

What advice do you have on this topic? Feel free to share it in the comment section of this blog.

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