Today’s topic for teaching embellishments is inspired by two other teachers. Each of them gave a wonderful illustration of the gospel principles and I want to share them here. The first one was from a delightful blog entry that I was introduced to through Facebook. See Friday’s blog for the link. She talked about Christ’s atonement. The second one was from a teacher who taught about the Holy Ghost during a woman’s organization meeting of the relief society.
For the atonement, a blogger gave an example of how she was teaching her students the principle of acts of goodness. She had her students give examples of a good act by dropping a single drop of water from an eye dropper into an empty cup. Each time each student recalled how they performed a good act in the past such as being a good neighbor or showing compassion they were to drop water into the cup.
Then she talked about the good acts of Christ, in particular, the enormous act of the atonement where Christ took upon himself the sins of the world through the atonement in the garden of Gethsemane. To illustrate the atonement she got a bucket of water and poured the whole bucket of water into the small cup and tell it overflowed the cup, poured onto the table and the floor. I thought this is an excellent illustration of the level of goodness Christ displayed through the atonement.
The second object lesson was displayed this Sunday when the teacher was talking about the Holy Ghost and the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit can prompt us in answering questions we may have about God and his gospel. It can be illustrated like the off/on switch of a flashlight. The Holy Spirit can visit us and give us answers to particular questions. Then she illustrated how the Holy Ghost is a constant companion and can be a constant influence. She turned on the flashlight and kept it on, to illustrate how the Holy Ghost can be constantly with us.
When I Learned about These Object Lessons I Found Them Both to Be Delightful.