The presentation was offered by Barnum.
- Document what you are spending and what your budget is. And stack that against dependable sources. past employers, pension, social security, and rental income.
- What are our expenses and what is our income?
- Ss benefits usually 33% of income to the elderly.
- 9 out of 10 are collecting security
- By 2035> will increase to 58 mill to 76 million.
What is Social Security?
- Dependable income source from paying tax.
- Benefits are based on employment income.
- Receive payments throughout life.
- Can take it as early 62 but at a reduced level
- At 2023 cost of living adjustments. (cola) income will rise to keep up with inflation.
- Based on your work history you and your family members will be eligible. If work 40 quarters or 10 years. Souse may be eligible en if they didn’t’ et.
- Spouse is access to hers or half of yours depending upon which is the higher amount.
- Can collect spouse benefits until spouse signs up.
- If retire early, hast lesser amount.
- Every year you wait, your ss will grow by 8%
You can receive SS with a formal spouse if with them over 10 years and you did not marry. - You and your employer pay ss taxes that you redeem income at retirement.
- Log in to to check your benefits., Medicare benefits etc.
- Social security is taxes. Depending upon income each year. If earn 32K the ss will not be faxed.
- If earn $25-34 K 50% of your income is taxed.
- If 34K up to 85 % will be taxed
- 12 states charge state tax for Social Security (Utah) etc.
- Born in 1960 you retire at 67 years.
- Early retirement age If you work you can earn up to $21,240.
- At retirement age you can earn up 56,252 for every 3 dollars you earn.
- A financial professional can help you decide when to begin taking your SS retirement benefits.
- How to apply for benefits:
- Encourage you to not retire early. Consider your alternatives. Every year we wait the ss grows.