My employer will have webinars on different topics to help employees. This is on. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.
List of Heart health facts:
- More sudden cardiac arrests happen outside of the hospital than within. That is why it is Crucial to learn CPR, you can help save a life.
- Replace sugar completely. enhanced with spices instead of sugar. try giner, allspice, cinnamon, or nutmeg.
- The average American consumes the equivalent of 39 pounds of sugar each year from soda or other sweetened beverages.
- Heart disease is the leading cause of death for men, women, and people of most racial and ethnic groups in the United States.
- Every 1 of 4 deaths is due to heart disease.
- The best way to reduce sodium is to avoid the prepackaged, processed, and prepared foods.
- Cutting back on sodium by 1000 meg a day can improve blood pressure and heart health.
- Switch out sugar with unsweetened applesauce in recipes by using equal amounts.. .
- A typical 12-ounce can of regular soda has 130 calories and 8 teaspoons of sugar.
- 80% of strokes can be prevented through healthy lifestyle changes and work with health care practitioners to control stroke risk factors. quite smoke. Move more. Keep blood pressure under control. Eat a healthy diet.
- Just 30 min of exercise a day will reduce our risk of heart disease.
- Regular physical activity also relieves tension, anxiety, depression, and anger.
- Most Americans consume nearly 20 teaspoons of added sugar each day. That’s more than triple the recommended daily limit for women and double for men.
- AED is an Automated External Defibrillator. it is used to help those who experience sudden cardiac arrest. It is a sophisticated yet easy-to-use medical device that can analyze the heart’s r rhythm and, if necessary, deliver an electrical shock, or defibrillation, to help the heart re-establish an effective rhythm.
- Every hour you walk in your life expectancy increases by two hours.
- Cardiovascular disease is heart and stroke is the number one of death of Americans
- By 2035 45% of people will have Cardiovascular disease.
Dr. Stevens H
- We can control our weight, blood pressure or cloistral
- We need to know what BMI is.
- Obesity at the waste line is a direct impact on heart attacks.
- One risk factor: is smoking. the habit has decreased.
- Poor dental health or gum disease is a contributor to heart disease.
- Recommend you have have 150 min of moderate exercise or 75 min per week of vigorous activity.
- Moderate to high-intensity muscle straightening exercises 2 days per week.
- Spend less time sitting – if you do a lot of computer/desk work. take frequent breaks and move around.
- Take the stairs over the elevator.
- Kids need to be more active 6and should get exercise an hour a day.
- Get your checkups.
- Stress tests are not useful in detecting this disease.
- Family history is a contributor to disease.
- Reactions during test training.
- Shortness of breath
- Jaw pain
- Any pain that travels down the left arms
What to do:
- Make time for yourself
- Listen to your body
- Get your annual physical.
- Know your numbers
- Prevention-modify your risk factors
- Eat healthy
- Drink a lot of water.
How to increase HDL? fish oil, weight lifting, decrease your central obesity (belly)
- Healthy BMI: is influenced on height and weight 21 to 23 is healthy for a woman. apps online to give bmi. (maybe google them)
What is the correlation between meat, dairy, and egg consumption to heart disease?
- Low fat and low cholesterol. not a lot of red meat. Eat white meat.
Avoid fried foods, milk and creamers.
- Eat eggs only about twice a week.
What type of exercise is recommended for older people?
- Type of exercise needs to be different.
- Do less cardio and more weight lifting.
Best heart rate for women?
- 60 to 80 beats limit is the best heart rate.
How to lower LDL
- Cholesterol needs to be under a 70.
- Besides medications, statins exercise, and limiting the amount of dairy and saturated fat you are eating can ldl cholesterol.
- Recommend 120/70-80 blood pressure.
Inflammation in relation to heart disease?
- We like the whole class of statins.
Do vitamins help the heart, blood flow
- Recommend a well-balanced diet.
- A multivitamin or once-a-supplement day vitamins.
What is the relationship between heart and vascular dementia
- It has to do with a lot of blood pressure.
- Chronic high blood pressure that’s not well controlled. They call them little infarks or mini-strokes. you have a bunch of min strokes from high blood pressure that an create soemething called vascular dementia. control the blood pressure is really key here.
What causes weight for older people?
- Hormonal changes and stress. (stress during covid)
- Sedentary lifestyle
- Lack of sleep
- Not getting enough exercise.
Warning signs of clogged artery:
- Numbness on left arm
- Response when under stress get tired out.