This was from a webinar. Presentation offered by Paul Brodie. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.
Q: what is story branding?
- It is the best way to sell yourself.
- They want to get to know, like, and trust this.
- People resist throwing books away.
- The book is the led out of selling the business and their brand.
- Reading the book, the already to get to know ou.
- Your book should be 50% story and 50% story.
- For nonfiction 10 chapters. Suggest ten different lessons on the theme. Focus on a chapter a week. You could speak on phone on your phone.
- Book has 64 pgs. to cater to short attention span. Nice cover.
- Some people will do books with different people contributing a chapter.
- People want to know your story, your struggles, and challenges. They want to know how you overcame those challenges. You give personal experiences.
- People will post personal stuff of the day on their Facebook page.
- Many of your customers buy something small or been on list for a long time but may buy a high value item later.
- Way to track what ofyour post are read. Using customer relation software: mail champ, a Webber or berserker.
- As long as people are reading your content, you know you’re doing well. If they aren’t reading then trim down your list
- You offer things of value and people sign up. You need to gather your own customer info. Maybe provide a pdf guide.
- Send out one email a list unless promoting summit. In his email, he is usually teaching a concept. Besides promoting the summit, he talked about habits verses resolution’s in his email.
- At end of email, here are three ways I can help you. Have a publishing session or join our Facebook group.
- At the end of his email he says: Reach out when you’re ready.
Q: Next step for putting in the seeds out without having to be like a used car salesman
- Think about 10 talking concepts you want to teach someone.
- What is the overall arch of the book
- Need but 5-8 min of content in our book. Potterai software is a great service to transcribe your audio files.
- Chapters may vary.
- Consistent covers can reflect your brand.
- Be direct, to the point, tell a story, Little on fluff.
- A chapter a week can finish a book in 10 weeks.