My emp0loyer offers online videos on various topics to help employees. This one is from Daily Journey. This presenter is hector.
- Long term resentment can destroy us.
- There are things we can do other than running our minds over and over on our negative feelings.
- Some people may be holding resentment for years or decades.
- The good news is you can do something about it.
- We are responsible for replaying our resentment and negative thoughts.
- Mindfulness and mediation are two good ways to start.
- Meditation is where you select a special space to work on your mind and thoughts.
- During this time we’ll say good bye to all the things that we are seeing, smelling, tasting, touching and the rest. We withdraw from that.
- Close your eyes.
- Sit very still.
- Let go of everything outside.
- Let’s go digging inside, cause if resentment is in us, and the anxiety that comes from it is in us, let go find and undo it.
- Meditation and mindfulness is a powerful tool to help us.
- Get in a comfortable position but not too comfortable if you are sleepy.
- You want your thoughts to be placed on your mind.
- The thing that is not physical, your emotions, your feelings, your sensations, the energies that come in and out.
- As we get there the mind will distract us.
- As we sit in mediation, withdraw. close your eyes.
- We’ll start thinking cause the mind is busy, thinking all the time.
- Lifting resentment — what a weight off my shoulders.
- Settle your body in a nice mediation position.
- Relax and take a deep long breath.
- Now inhale, fill up everything, hold it for a little bit. and then exhale and let it all out.
- Hold for four, exhale for four hold for four seconds. do this for about ten rounds.
- In your mind you see a future time, in the distance you see a future you. Maybe six months, a year or five years’ time. The future you have no resentment.
- Seeing yourself as resentment free is called future refuge.
- Your future self has confidence.
- Let that visualization sink into your mind, the possibility of being resentment free. have a nice exhale and then do a stretch. whatever you need to do.
- Once the body is settled, withdraw from everything. Nothing to see, our job is to be aware of our body.