My employer offers online videos to help employees face daily challenges. This one is provided by the company Journey Live. Any misinformation is the fault of the notetaker.
- If we are nervous about some future, perceived threat, we feel discomfort.
- To navigate with anxiety. many recommend deep breathing.
- Today we’ll discuss how to build a sense of wisdom. so we can spot anxiety and get some distance.
- Each day we get stimulus, and we respond daily. Such as if you have an itch, you scratch the itch. But with anxiety we don’t see solutions for a stimulus.
- How to get wisdom. Rather than responding, instead notice that the mind wanders, it helps expand the distance to the threat provided by anxiety.
- Close your eyes allow your body to be upright but not uptight.
- Your mind may wander during the practice.
- Our anchor is to inhale on exhale. Notice your breathing.
- Bringing attention to your body instead of the cause of stress can help calm yourself.
- You don’t need your mind to calm down immediately. concentrate on bringing your body calmness.
- Eventually the feelings of soothing begin to sink in.
- You begin to bring the attention down and in your body.
- When we feel anxiety, we may feel our head is being carried around, but actually there is an integration happening.
- We want to get to calm consider skillful thought. If you’re not there think on breathing and things will copen up by their own.
- If it is helpful, you can add a technique of talking.
- If your jaw is clenched or your shoulders are stiff, loosen those extremities.
- As you bring the breathing to a close recognize a positive trait about yourself.
- As you close your breathing, open your eyes to see the thins around you.
- If needed, call a friend, take a drink of water.