These are notes from talk at church. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.
- The amazon is the longest, most powerful reiver in the world. When the moon, sun and the earth hit a certain position, six mete weaves will rise upstream. It is known the great roar. The great amazon must yield to heavenly powers.(
- With heavenly help we can accomplish amazing things.
- With God nothing is impossible.
- We access the covenants to recommit to our commandments.
- God gives us far more than we give God.
- The gospel is the greatest blessing we can have.
- We have resources to learn about Christ.
- The covenant path directs us to God. It provides strength and comfort during our journey.\
Covenants to keep:
- Repent
- be baptized.
- live the gospel of Jesus Christ.
- We do this by having faith in Christ and keep the covenants throughout our lives. .
- We covenant to live the law of chastity.
- Dedicate everything to the Lord. .
- Living the covenants gives us access to the heavens and makes life bearable.