This is a talk from church. Any misinformation is the fault of the note-taker. Any misinformation is the fault of the note-taker. President Nelson’s conference talk influences this.
- We need to live the golden rule. We need to trust each other as Christ would.
- Civil dialogue and personal relationships are both under stress.
- When a child refuses to go to bed it can be tempted to raise your voice.
- People on the Internet will take liberties with they can post something anonymously.
- If a friend has a strong and different opinion then you follow the old bridges of understanding. You’ll be better for the relationship.
- The gospel net is the Lotus net in the world. There is room for all of us. There is no room for prejudice.
- All of us need to experience the board of Christ. The words and actions. If people have a different opinion the illegals haters.
- It is not good to vilify someone who has.
- When your message of others needing to be more civil this also applies to you.
- In the Scriptures, we are against starting a war but are entitled to defend ourselves of families.
- We need to forgive and forget that we still need to remove ourselves from dangerous situations. Now is to bury the weapons of war your weapon is verbal abuse.
- The savings message is clear to the Disciples of Christ.
- The natural man’s true enemy of God we can deflate the nature of man. Charity is the principal characteristic of the Disciples of Christ.
- We can change the world by one person at a time by initiating understanding.
- Vulgarity: evil speaking is very prominent today. People who disagree with you will attack you.
- There is too much spouse abuse there’s a story of a businessman whose partner still all the money and fled. There is resentment for years. The victim partner finally put the trader’s name in the temple and it changes his own life.