Listening is an important part of communication.
- The wordless ensues up to 11 times in the Bible. There is a reason we have two years and one now.
- A father said is better for me to listen to my children.
- In general, is there is so much that God wants to tell us.
- We are not here to hear to the history of the world but we are here to change it.
- There are many ways that God speaks to us through the Scriptures
- It would be good for us to either cause at the end of our prayer to do some intense listening to the spirit can confidence
- Nephi? 20:23
- Reconcile is to bring people from the state of being born again through the Holy Ghost
- John 15 parable of the fine Christ his father is the husband
- Spiritual party is removing anything that prevents spiritual world
- If you keep my commandments, you can apply in my love.
- This is the source of nourishment.
- We need to make constant influence of the Holy Ghost to combat today’s challenges.
- The celestial kingdom is not full of perfect people the people who have repented multiple times.
- Trust that your sins can be truly get.
- The Holy Ghost can communicate through little prompting. God can magnify how little effort to accomplish more than we could he will. Present Nelson says right down our impressions email for when we pray.
- Present Nelson says think charge of our own testimonies.