Destress through Breaths and Movements



My employer offers a video, healthy living series and here are my notes on this topic. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.

  • When stress happens it is our body’s response to the triggers and stress. Stress affects different people differently for most of us we will feel some sort of discomfort. it might be our heart rate going rising. Our breathing may become shallow. Our shoulders tense or chest gets tighter. Our blood pressure may rise or we may feel exhaustion.
  • The one that is easiest to control is breathing. Our breathing can slow down and clam our minds.
  • Always breathe in to the nose by breathing in and blow out thought the mouth and blow out the air takes a long time to breathe out and make a sounds as you exit. Let the vibrations let you get your heaviness out.
  • Try next with your eyes closed. Breathe in through the nose and out through your mouth. Make an audible sound as you release air from mouth. By making, the sounds your chest can feel lighter. It can relieve tension in the shoulders and neck.
  • Make your hands into fist and gently tap about two inches below you belly. This technique is called the ocean of energy. Have your back straight. When you tapping you are moving vibrations into hour body. . You can close your eyes to limit the sensory that comes by vison and concentrate on the tapping. This can release tension. Breathe through the nose and breathe out of the mouth.
  • Move your head from side to side and can move the emery from the base of your spine up. . With your feet on the ground, you feel supported and you can feel safe.. Even do it this from a minute to 5 min can be causal. You can gently tape about your belly.  You can up your hands and make clockwise motions with y the palms of your hand. Finish up by rubbing you belly. You can finish by sitting there with hands and fingers locked over the belly and breathe in and out. Before you open your yes think I am safe. I am supported.
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