These are notes from a church talk. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.
Shortest verse in the bible: “Jesus wept.” Christ’s friend, Lasereth died. Christ wept in empathy for the sorrow of Mary and Martha. Though he knew, he would be raising his friend to life.
Those who have empathy are better able to love others.
Christ has a special relationship to the unimportant, the poor and the sick.
Christ: what you do unto others you do unto me.
From the day he was born, to the day he died, he was one of the most insignificant.t
Consider others who are misaligned. We need to see them as Christ sees them what if their story is part of your story?
Empathy is easier said then done.
We have difficulties in our lives. The atonement enable Christ to relate to us.
Sometimes Christ shows love by physical healing or morns when others morn.
How can we love others as Christ has loved? Christ like love cannot be cultivated without God’s help.
Sometimes we have challenge to have empathy for others.
Who is thy neighbor: the good Samarian parable tells us.