The Great Reset Video 7- 21 -22
You are invited to a FREE online webinar about a vital topic: THE GREAT RESET! by Alex Newman. Find out what the Great Reset is, who is behind it, how it threatens to destroy our freedom and what we can do. This event is sponsored by the John Birch Society. See flyer below (and also attached) which you are free to print and distribute.
The Great Reset: The End of Freedom
Live Online
Featuring Alex Newman
Thurs, July 28th at 6:00 PM Pacific/7:00 PM Mountain.
Alex, author, journalist, and foreign correspondent for The New American, will be with us LIVE to present this important information online. He will then answer questions . He’ll be talking about the “Great Reset,” which, as the title of the webinar notes, is a “nice” way of saying “the end of freedom.” Fortunately, the Great Reset is NOT inevitable. We can do something to stop it.
Anyone with adequate internet connection can participate in the webinar via Zoom software, so please help spread the word and feel free to invite friends, relatives, neighbors, and associates across the country. To register for this event, up until the maximum number of connections is reached, click on this link .
If you would like to find out if there is a group gathering together to participate near you or if you would like to learn how host a “watch party” (or have other questions), please contact Eldon Stahl, Field Coordinator, The John Birch Society at (605)-999-1319
Let’s work together to help build support for freedom and resistance against those who wish to enslave us.
Recommended action:
1) Mark your calendar
2) Add your name to the participant list using this link or the QR code on the flyer.
3) Inform others about this opportunity!
Let’s Stand Strong for the Constitution and for Freedom.