These are notes from a healthy living series video provided by my employer. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.
- Sit up nice and tall.
- Gently rest your hands on top of your lap.
- If your mind is busy, turn your face down to ground your energy
- If you are feeling tired then put you palms up in order to receive more energy.
- First, let go of any heaviness or anxieties you feel
- Rub your palms together to generate a lot of heat and healing energy between your hands.
- Lift your palms p and hover them over the third eye area.
- Feel the warmth of your energy penetrating into your brain.
- Keep your mind in, in the center of your brain
- With your eyes closed, you’re going to slowly open your mind’s eyes and visualize our day ahead. Not so much on what we’ll do, but how we will show up the quality to be the best version of ourselves.
- Is the quality at our heart’s center peace, joy, compassion, courage, confidence, understanding, forgiveness? Whatever it is, feel it grow larger and larger as a light shining out brighter and brighter, infusing every cell of your body. So that everyone waking into your universe can feel that light. Visualize them reflecting your light back at you.
- With a gentle smile on your face, breath in and breath out, letting go of any last remnants of heaviness.
- Feel the calm and peace in your body, heart and mind carry this energy the whole day.