Hello ,
Last night’s Chair Chat was well attended and many attendees were able to share their thoughts and ideas. Among those ideas was a proposal submitted by Alton Chung, Rachel Hedman, and Vel Weiss, members of the NSN Program Committee. Many requests were made to share the proposal draft and the recording of the Chair Chat along with it.
As a reminder, the NSN Board of Directors have concluded that NSN is at a critical decision point and the question before us as Board on behalf of the membership and the larger storytelling community is what is the future of NSN? There are appear to be three choices:
1. scale back our programs to a level of cost and income that matches our capacity. This might mean taking a several month hiatus to reconfigure our operations. It might mean only producing an annual conference or a digital magazine like the Story Beast.
2. Radically rethink what we are and how we function as an organization. What does it mean to be a national advocacy or membership organization? We do not know what that would look like yet.
3. Acknowledge, as has the Northlands Storytelling Network, that we have had a good run but it is time to go out of business.
Once the Board of Directors has made a decision about the future of NSN, that decision will be announced during the membership meeting at CONNECTED: Part I. We encourage you to attend that meeting to hear the final decision. You can register at https://storynet.org/events/conference/.
The recording of last night’s Chair Chat can be accessed at https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/89cI09ipY4okFwL2P4ve2rmopnt08Jo_ikP2w6gkLvivRzRDbgL6k_CNrx2nKhUZ.5f9096jxMTClRzoF?startTime=1655251384000 (Passcode: S9v@0Jz*) or by clicking the red button below.
The proposal draft submitted by the Program Committee can be accessed at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zriORRU_jyVC8HlPTqWe7Ms8mzVxC8jU/view?usp=sharing or by clicking the blue button below. |