My company has different workshop to help employees. These are the notes of one. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.
- Do you have family meals 3 times a week or a family event?
- One needs to say no if there is too much on your shoulders. Tell them what you can do.
- Who are your friends? Be selective who gets that label.
- If you have a trouble, relationship with a family member find a reason to call them. Do you remember why the two of you fought? If the corvid numbers are going up in their – state, call them and ask how they are doing.
- Get a dig file, darn I’m good. Work wise, personal wise. Make a list of your strengths. Ask a friend if you don’t know.
- Do not have a second chair in your office to discourage people from squatting.
- Teach your kids to be active on things policies they are concerned with. Organizations just don’t need a check they need participants.
- Some people create vision boards to illustrate the goas you have and put it in a prominent sot as a reminder. Goals need to be measurable. Financial and great goals are easier to set may be the hardest to achieve. They are measureable. Recommend you have a financial planner. Good for long-term goals like college and retirement.
- Watch the nicole and dime spending.
- Teach your kids early how to manage money.
- We need to be attentive to our health and vulnerabilities. You need to take care of yourself as well as others. Find an exercise program that works for you. Have a health journal. Walking around the neighborhood and some people meet their neighbors.
- For multiple goals can be combined. If you want more, exercise and spend time with the kids then all of your ride bikes together.
- Make sure your eating well.
- Make sure the things you do to handle stress is healthy. Don’t use unnatural things.
- For problems sleeping have a bedtime routine.
- Stress managements > some stress can be good to get things done. Many support groups are now virtual.
- Where do you see yourself in 5 or 10 years?
- Try variety in your life. Try a different vegetable, a different path to work. Stay motivated.
- Try to maintain your humor. Seek the humor of an event.
- Living mindfully when you eat think what you are eat and think where it came from.
- Have gratitude.
- You know what nourishes your soul. You seek friends who will nourish your soul.
- Write your elegy or your retirement speech. Were you that person that gave back? What type of person would you like to be?
- To be successful is to have a balance of success stories in the different areas of your life.
- What actions steps do you want to work on your various buckets? What can you do to improve circumstances in one that may be weak?
- Take deep breaths in moments of stress and just do it throughout the day.