My company has different workshops to help employees. These are the notes of one. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.
Signs up burnout and stress:
- Stress can be healthy burn out is when you cross the line. Burn out can cause depression.
- Stress is illustrated by over management or urgency. Burn out gives disengagement or unmotivated.
- When you want to disconnect it is advisable to seek out help. Theory is to playing an active role in your own mind. Is important to understand you.
- When you start to disengage > you need to give yourself permission to give 50% or 70% on different days. 100% is not a sustainable model. Give yourself permission to slide back a little back.
- You never know what people are going through. Sometimes, you can see your environment with new eyes. There was a slump in performance in the dept. opened a dialog to see what was contributing to the problem.
- Your employer may have ’employee assistance programs’ that can offer help.
- You need to fill up your cup first before you can help others. using PTO or other resources to help support you.
Strategies for facing challenges:
- There is strength in vulnerability but don’t use it as an excuse to not perform. Make sure you are having conversations with your manager to be aware of challenges.
- Bend so you don’t break. Stretch physically. Get on the move and stretch with yourself.
- Make time to work, make time to play, make time to learn. Schedule time for each.
- Ask for permission of yourself. Find out when a deadline is really set it’s not all immediately.
- You need to be intentional about your mental health. You need to create intentional process.
- Set up a good environment for your mental health.
- One presenter makes time to mediate or listen to podcasts. Learn new lessons to help you learn of your new self.
- Exercise and play.
- As a manager, she tries to create positive emotional moments with her team.
- You may want to redefine success. Not just at work but at family, and community.
- Keep the communication going in regards to yourself, your circle, and your manager if needed.
- When you have, concerns do not keep in the shadows. Seek help. Be kind to yourself.