These are notes from church. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.
Learning about here is the most important thing to learn about. As we learn the Scriptures they will become our words.
We are improving the understanding that the atonement in the excess and that we need to get rid of the house.
Words of the song: there is a green hill far away
It isn’t the words that preach the sermon. It is the way we live our lives. It is also the spirit that conveys to our hearts the sermon people’s lives.
The speaker talked about taking a walk with his wife that morning I saw the sunrise and you gave me joy. I wondered if the son did will happen is not rise. There are two times in history that the sun deviated from its course. The son did not set for one night at the birth of Christ in the Americas. Decided not to rise for three days in the Americas at Christ
The sun became one of the greatest symbols of the atonement of Jesus Christ. It is the mechanism that will always be present. Without the sun of Crawford grow. We would freeze. Man would die. Why do it either you told it Westmark to cleanse our souls. Strengthen us in our weaknesses
Because God wanted us to know Jory God gave us the atonement.
Life is not about fairness if life was fair we would not have tragedy and sorrow in our lives.
If granted to the atonement of Christ we will have an avenue for Christ.
Help forgive people.