My company will occasionally offer financial webinars. This is another webinar about finances. This one was provided by Met Life. I listened to this in-between calls so any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.
- rule of 25 * Estimable your current financial needs and multiple by 25%
- Average bonds today is 6%
- In an average year, stocks will move up or down by 1% about 40 % of trading days.
- ETFs: some may invest in stocks groups of areas that might be making money now like cyber security or energy.
- What are your risk profiles?
- How should you split your investments? may depend upon market risk comfort. It is recommended you should fill out a risk tolerance questionnaire.
- Should have types of finances. conservative, emergency fund, and an opportunity fund.
- Need to have money earmarked for later in life, 60s, 70s, 80s, and 90s.
- We may have 20 years to have our money work for us if we retire at 65.
- Tax-deferred is our 401 K.
- People tend to buy when things feel good> and institutions respond differently. they buy when it feels like the sky is falling.
- Want to feed 401 before paying a mortgage and pay brokerage account before a family vacation.
- Create a retirement budget? increase travel, health issues, and no work income.
- Make sure you are diversified. Don’t let market turmoil scare you.