These are notes from church. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.
- Family history: is Extending convenient making.
- President Mckam has encouraged us to do 1 hr. a month. We’re Seeing a lot of temple work for family members.
- Talk: standing by our covenants. We made an agreement in our preeternal life that we would gather the ten tries both living and dead.
- We need to be convenient keeper people.
- When we realize we are children of the covenants we know who we are and what is expected of us. President Nelson.
- Those on the other side of the veil also wish to make covenants to God. Our keeping covenants -bid us to God.
- Family hoity is the greatest defense against the temptations of Satin.
- See people not as interruptions but as the purpose of my life
- Share your missionary experiences good and bad with your family.
- Dc 136:31 we must be tried in all things (check).
- Dc 18: the worth of souls is great to God.
- Mark twain the two most important days in your life is the day you were born and the day you learn why you were born.
- We get credit for trying even if we do not always succeed.
- We will always get the best in life when we aim for heaven.
- Dc 29:7 called to bring my elect.
- Dec 136:31 > not easy.
- Hard times bring us to our knees and we turn to God.