These are notes from church. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.
- Moses God gave a great vision. In that vision, he showed Moses the world and all his creation.
- In the first vision, God and the rest of the Godhead appeared to Joseph Smith. This was a response of when Joseph read James chapter 1 verse five which prompted Joseph Smith to pray. When God communicates with man, he addresses us by our first name.
- Christ discusses our earthly nature in the sermon of the mount.
- Kings Benjamin speech: Messiah 3:19.
- The task of revelations or things will be hard.
- Book: a time to choose, by Neil Maxwell
- we are righteous if we decide that we will do the hard things.
- Joseph of many colors. Genesis 50: in Joseph’s experience, God intended Joseph’s trials for good. Joseph showed a great example of forgiveness toward his brothers who sold him into slavery.
- Our purpose is to be happy:
- Joseph Smith wrote an 18-page letter to Edward Partridge which became doctrine covenants 121 through 123. At this time Joseph Smith pleas for help
- 121:7 God conference Joseph.
- God discusses the rights and the powers of his priesthood. The priesthood is connected to heaven, and connected to the principles of righteousness.
- DC 121:41 – 45: charity