Life Trials


These are notes from church. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.

– God is mindful of our trials.
– Heaven is open
– God speaks to us through the spirit.
– In April 2020 President Nelson did a proclamation to the world.
– the proclamation discussed: the first vision,
restoration of the sealing power,
church organized,
and the gathering of Israel.
– Shared a story where some missionaries were spreading concrete on a driveway. they were unfamiliar with the effects of concrete.. Many of the elders were barefoot or wearing regular shoes. asphalt gave them all burns. One missionary, in particular, had diabetes. the burn hospital in CA had to scrape the concrete off his feet. the doctors said it would take six months to heal. He was sent home. The next week the doctor said his feet are healing well. the next week the next doctor said you can go back on your mission now. The mission was healed in 3 weeks instead of six months. That was a modern-day miracle.
– Just like we would not want to drink from a dirty cup. God does not want his priesthood to be done through a dirty vessel.
The scriptures give us an additional understanding of the gospel.


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