These are notes from church. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.
- We pray for ourselves
- We pay for our leaders.
- We pray before a big trip.
- We prayer before we go to bed.
- We pray when we are sick or when others are sick
- Sometimes our prayers are not answered in the way we expect. Often later in our lives we can see how God answer to our prayers was a better thing then what we wanted.
- There is a story of a man who was on top of his house because of a flood. He prayed for God to help him, a boat come by to help. Want a ride? No thanks he said. God will help. A motor boat comes by. Ho hanks God will provide. A helicopter came by to offer help. NO thanks God will help. The man drowns and meets heaven’s gatekeeper. Why did God not save me? We sent a boat, a motor boat, and a helicopter and you turned down all.
- DC 10:5 pray always.
- DC 19:28 pray always
- DC 46:17 we are commanded in all things to ask God.
- How do we pray always> we can have a conversations in our hearts
- Mosiah 3:19
- We need to still our minds to hear the spirit of God
- Matt 8:26