I took notes on the Mayer and city council debate. These notes are short. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker. Submission to caucus corner.
Nichelle Jensen
- Why Orem? Access world-renowned recreations.
- We should support more funding in less affluent
- Disagree with moritium. Opposing to growth is detrimental to city growth. Not growing put ourselves in a fragile situation.
- Affordable housing: prevent city from getting into the way of the free market through regulations. Create more units by owners. (Accessory dwelling units)
- High density> a duplex is a solutions. Apartments are useful.
- We need to work on traffic
- Risks on prosperity: regulations status with moritium and opposition to new innovative development. We are experience employee shortages.
- Concerned of political division. I think differently than other candidates. We need to avoid an echo chamber.
Shaunte Ruiz Zundel
- law degree, represented abused children.
- Why Orem? Orem is friendly.
- Make sure all parks are well maintained and working.
- Fix density. Limited parking.
- Agree with moritium. Take action on current mortium.
- Traffic: citizens speeding Better Street light timing
- Obtaining housing: people are desperate for housing. Let them buy single homes. More single housing available.
- Focus on single family homes.
- Our current master plan is not business friendly.
- Too many regulations
- Want all children to have the same happy childhood as my husband.
- Want to support citizens at city council meeting and not at the meeting.
- Need to make sure development does not take over our city. Stand in the shoes of the children.
David M. Spencer
- I originally ran to save baseball fields the city wanted to get rid of.
- Scera and the Hale add to the sense of community
- Keep integrity of neighborhood. Assisted living place wanted to locate in community. Came to the community and it did not fit.
- Agreed with moritium. We need more commercial on State Street
- Traffic: four major streets into Orem to get to other neighboring cities.
- 42% rental. We need to spread apartments to neighboring cities. Enough apartments are adequate as is.
- Costco and mall is 40 of our tax base. Need to be business families. 400 new businesses recently moved to Orem.
- My Goals: protect the integrity of our neighborhoods and avoid high density.
- City should provide police, fire, water, roads, sewer, and not branch into project such as utopia. Support scera, never defund police fire
- Proud to be an American
LaNae Millett
- Why Orem? Community feel, community support
- Use our blocks grants.
- Worked protect high density and height of bld.
- Like moritium.
- Traffic: Do not narrow lanes on State Street. Do not have high-density housing on State street. It will contribute to traffic
- Have small business in neighborhood so people do not have to drive.
- Affordable housing: at the minute mark of 128 min> She talked about our neighborhood..
- Own homes is the goal.
- Neighboring cities increase apartments and business will follow and give more services.
- Economic development: regulations restrictions, limited regulation.
- Orem has a great future; we need to plan our growth.
- Our parks need to be well managed.
Quinn Mecham
- BYU Professor, national resources stewardship.
- Quality of our neighborhoods.
- Respond to the neighborhood by their wants.
- Need longer processes with more neighborhood input.
- He is cautious on how we develop our city. He takes no money from developers. \
- Moritium was rushed. Need to act in good faith partners.
- More adaptive control, artificial intelligence. To time lights.
- Any person we can put on a bus or walk is better. Provide diverse traffic options.
- Need another I-15 exit to cater to Provo traffic using Orem streets.
- Obtainable housing: 40% renting. Need smaller homes.
- Role of apartments in mix of housing. Space limited.
- Future prosperity: many employers will not have their future needed staff. We are good on small business.
- Our futures are deeply intertwined.
- Dedicated to listening, integrity, build trust.
Tom Macdonald
- He’s been on the city council.
- Why Orem: Optimism
- Hillcrest Park is an example of catering to less affluent.
- We voted for moritium. Plan for one neighborhoods not well organized.
- Timing lights, citizens are speeding. Work with U-dot on major roads.
- Obtainable housing: get developers, contactors, and FHA finance to work together.
- When high density important: appropriates high density is important but must have adequate parking.
- Risk to prosperity: support first responders, parks.