These are the notes of a city council meeting I, with several citizens of the neighborhood attended. The meeting was arranged to discuss the planned apartment complex at 900 s 400 in Orem. It will occupy the property that was previously owned by the Marigold dairy. I apologize for the lateness of the notes. I thought these notes were lost due to technical difficulties, but I found them. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker. This is a submission to caucus corner.
The names listed below are council members.
- Steve said there is a president for law of a moratorium. Utah subprime court on public interest can be cause of an amendment.
- McDonald to Steve (city employee?). He wanted clarification of when an application is filled out. Complete or incomplete, the city has conditions (building evaluation, lighting plan, traffic, and sewer. With every application, there is a significant staff review. There are always corrections need to be made.
- If the application is in, adjustment to residential area and community meeting needs to be arranged.
- Builder: since the zone was designated for residential and business, the felt that a neighborhood meeting was not required. Does not separate a property line. Land owned by city.
- The Mayor said that the artic district zone allows commercial and residential. Primary residential. Residential should be permitted for second and higher floors. Ease the burden of living areas. The business has been working on last 3 yrs. with the city council.
- Terri: has concerns of traffic, water usage,
- A concern was expressed about the close proximity of people in apartments could contribute to the spread of corvid. Apartments are not cheaper.
- Jeff: shows a lot for citizens give feedback. I said I would listen to you. That is my intention. Got a call from a concerned citizen. His concern as we navigate the growth challenges. If there is not enough housing. Fewer homes are purchased. More homes become rentals. Quality of neighborhoods drops with the rental of homes. Families prefer to buy homes rather than rent.
- He looked at master plan for State Street. Looked at north village. Each zone is different. Each has unique applications. See what would be beneficial to neighborhoods and businesses and define code to place that is a good compromise.
- Judy? She has mixed feelings. Does not feel water, and traffic will harm the public interest. Don’t feel arts district should be in a moratorium.
- Mayor: we have stopped a lot of high-density apartment. We made many improvements in Orem without raising tax. Ore police, fire trucks, and parks. Only raise tax to hire four police officers. Want to put apartments on the main thoroughfare and leave neighborhood untouched. Important we keep height right and parking right. Orem city might end up paying 300 K on a lawsuit. Purchased seven new police cars.